Friday, September 13, 2013

Developing a Website using a software parts library

The activity associated with development of a software parts library for the development of a web-site will be presented here. This will be an extension of the library used to prepare Programmable Software Development Environment manual.

This effort was started a long time ago following the development of the manual software parts library. Its purpose was to eliminate the need for Front Page.It was subsequently put on hold so that other more important efforts could proceed.

Mr. Mike is a long time professional friend of mine who has recently offered to reconstruct my Web-Site.I told him my plan to use my tool to rebuild my site.He has had difficulties relating to my technology (It is quite different than normal programming methods) and I am not really skilled in Web-site design. We both felt that this might a great opportunity to make the technical connection.

TUESDAY: 2013/09/10

STATUS: I have completed a sample web-site page which I will be using to develop the associated software parts library. I sent a copy of this sample to Mr. Mike.

DETAIL: I am currently using the FRAMES instruction set because I am familiar with them. I understand that there are many disadvantages in using them. However, I currently believe that I can develop the software parts library that defines my standards relative to web design and then update these parts with the new technology. It is also my hope that Mr. Mike will be able make these modifications and thus become familiar with the associated design methodology.

RESULTS: The FRAME instruction set requires the contents of each frame (framset command) to be defined by a separate *.html file. The NOFRAMES command which is needed to permit operation on browsers that do not recognize frameset requires the contents to be specifically written in the same file. These can be easily accomplished using the Programmable Software Development Environment postoffice commands.

MY NEXT TASK: My next task will be to prepare the required software parts to write each line in the html file. I will be using the basic output library and will be able to certify that the *.html file has been prepared with these standard methods, has not been modified, and has not been illegally copied.
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