Thursday, August 29, 2013

DevFactory Upholds Lean Manufacturing

DEVFACTORY and other businesses realize the importance of work efficiency. Many industries are becoming competitive markets as companies struggle to outperform one another. Some strategies implemented by these businesses involve using fewer resources, but still producing the same high quality products. One effective method that is overtaking the workforce is the concept of lean manufacturing.

Lean manufacturing's philosophy revolves around restructuring an organization or business in a way to reduce waste. Businesses like DevFactory have embraced lean manufacturing work to minimize the waste of resources and production time. This business practice is part of a wave of strategies that are sweeping across the workplace in order to improve efficiency. The reason for its rapidly growing popularity is because it is incredibly simple to implement in the workforce. Entrepreneurs or upper management teams can follow just a few steps to make lean manufacturing a part of their business model.

1.The first step to lean manufacturing implementation is to prepare the overall plan. The entire upper management team should be on board and know exactly what the objectives and procedures will be. Each member of the upper management personnel should understand concepts. Everyone will have a say in regards to whether they agree or disagree with any part of the strategy. Before the lean manufacturing strategy is conveyed to the rest of the company, the leaders should ensure that the plan is properly organized.

2.The next step is to let the employees know of the lean manufacturing implementation. Companies like DevFactory always made sure to let their employees know all of the crucial details of the procedure. They told their employees how the changes will impact them and what they are required to do. The plan is also placed in writing so that each employee can keep it for his or her records.

3.The third step is to create a dedicated team. Companies like DevFactory know that when picking a team, it is wise to make it consist of key figures from a variety of departments. This allows for multiple points-of-view and various insights on the strategy. The leader of the lean manufacturing team should be someone who is a good communicator and knows how to uphold company values. They must show their loyalty to the company, and that they can act in the best interest of the business and its employees.

4.The lean manufacturing implementation team will need to be properly trained. One effective way to do this is to hire a lean manufacturing technique professional who specializes in developing implementation strategies. Depending on the organization, there are multiple types of lean manufacturing techniques to select from, such as Total Quality Management. This particular technique focuses on managing internal guidelines and compliance standards to eradicate errors in supply chain processes. In order to successfully implement the lean manufacturing process, it should be easy to understand and simple to instruct.

5.The fourth step is to prioritize the lean manufacturing process. Companies like DevFactory enforced lean manufacturing by starting off with a pilot project. This first step in actual implementation is meant to be simple and easy to execute. It allows for a company to set the pace for the overall lean manufacturing implementation. It will let the company know at what rate it plans to shift its assets over to these new practices.

6.Once a pilot project has been planned, it should be conveyed to the company's departments. Employees from each division of the company will work together to complete this project in a timely and efficient manner. The lean manufacturing team will assess and evaluate the results of the project's completion and compile the data for upper management. They will want to identify any factors that they noticed were unnecessary or inefficient to the completion of the project.

7.After the pilot project is complete and has been evaluated, the upper management team can start preparing the next project. Using the data from the previous project's evaluation, they can determine what factors will work and which need improvement. This process repeats as many times as the company needs in order to implement other lean manufacturing techniques.


Businesses such as DevFactory have seen extraordinary success with their implementation of lean manufacturing. One of the biggest benefits that came about from this practice is that it has led to a higher sense of customer satisfaction. Lean manufacturing is designed to reduce waste and deliver a high-quality product to the customer. Not only that, businesses in DevFactory's industry have seen better delivery times.

Lean manufacturing leads to a cut down on production time so that these high quality software products are being sent out to clientele at record speeds. These customers become so appreciative of this efficiency that they become repeat clients and return to do business in the future.

A DevFactory representative stated, "Lean manufacturing reduces waste of productivity as well."

DevFactory is one of many businesses that have worked hard to crack down on waste in organizational processes. These companies are constantly monitoring production to ensure that there is minimal downtime. Every second is used to further improve the business's efficiency.

A change of attitude often follows the institution of lean manufacturing. DevFactory's industry is full of companies that have seen complete turnarounds in workforce attitude. Employees who are facing these significant changes need to learn how to adapt quickly. This changes their mindset and makes them more accommodating to new concepts. When they develop this attitude, they can become more efficient in their work. DevFactory and other manufacturers realize a change of attitude can be extremely beneficial to a company's success.


DevFactory is an innovative software development company. This business combines software and factory aspects into one company. Software factories are becoming more abundant in society thanks to this business's pioneering efforts. These companies implement various elements from both industries in order to maximize efficiency and structure. DevFactory is one of many businesses that institute the use of Kaizen, Lean Manufacturing, and Six Sigma practices in the workplace.
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