Thursday, December 26, 2013

Magical effect in Mobile Application Development

Mobile has made revolutionary effect in communication world; this is the device person keeps almost always with him/her even at that bed time also. With DevExtreme framework, .NET users can develop mobile application using HTML 5/JS, no need to learn any additional programming language for mobile apps development. The main advantage is that, the common coding dynamically works for all the mobile platforms/devices without doing device related alteration in code. Related templates, wizards, coding and designing area all are available in visual studio; even user can debug the mobile apps code in visual studio and also execute code using PhoneGAP before publishing it online. Hence for cross-platform mobile apps - designing, developing, debugging and pre-delivery testing all these can be done under a single umbrella using DevExtreme framework. DevExtreme supports all major mobile platforms like iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Tizen; it detects platform runtime and dynamically adjusts the appropriate 'native' (original) theme and avoids any extra efforts from your side. It really relieves you from unnecessary alteration and inspections when the same code is used for different mobile platforms.


We all know that, today time is the most precious entity than anything else. In large enterprise numerous activities are going on daily basis. For CEO, MD or similar higher authorities of enterprise, it's impractical to keep updates about all of these. They need to take aerial view of data and make the strategic decisions accordingly. DevExpress 13.2 provides solution in form of XtraCharts, it supports auto-aggregation of data (based on aggregate function specified), this feature is useful when millions of data should be incorporated in chart creation. You can make data aggregation feature ON/Off as and when required. User can easily access and analyze data in WinForms Charts even when it is zoomed or scrolled. In 13.2 you can not only highlight points in WinForms and ASP.NET charts but also in WPF and Silverlight charts. By this way, information, analysis and actions are derived from the single visual object i.e. chart. .NET Reporting Service and DevExpress Reporting Server jointly contributed to make the reporting service easy, accurate and action oriented. In case of .NET development's outsourcing, it is very vital to dig deep into report data for validity (before taking any decision) as it is developed by third-party (outsourced); DevExpress 13.2 gives power to make this analysis painless.


Now a day market similarly demands both the business solutions - windows and web, hence the need arises for a common framework that should be flexible enough to support WinForms as well as ASP.NET applications. eXpressApp Framework (XAF) is a powerful framework that is useful to create in-line business applications that are equally targeted windows as well as ASP.NET web applications. XAF's scaffolding of the database and rich UI saves your time that is unnecessarily spent on repetitive and unproductive work hence you can focus on business rules and make the time productive. XAF supports N-tier architecture (MVC); it also supports to customize validations runtime for business rules. Reporting is rapid and reliable using XAF's XtraReport Suite. Additionally, it manages data among multiple DB engines. In short, XAF enable user to create windows and web applications simple, straightforward, secure, competitive and cost effective.


Its universal fact that, debugging is the heart of any software development and .Net is not an exception in this. Programmers give importance to debugging as equal as coding. In rapid development, it might be a chance to miss, misplace or misinterpret something in code and due to this the output differs than expected. To search and solve this, CodeRush is introduced in DevExpress 13.2. CodeRush gives comfort to developers to know about why some code is not working as expected, how many times certain loop is executed, which are the alternate areas in which the same references can be found. Test Driven Development can be easily and effectively done using CodeRush .NET Test Runner. In market users who are using this feature, guarantee that, they never imagine coding without CodeRush debugger because, it saves valuable time by bypassing repetitive search for vulnerability in code and facilitates developers to think more on business rules and other logical areas of development. The visualization, markers that points defect location, and navigations really make CodeRush incomparable with any existing debugging tool available in market.


John Walton is an IT professional having 10+ years of rich experience in designing, developing, estimating and overall managing .NET applications for various business verticals. He is - the professional journey from developer to technical architect to project manager he had handled numerous complex projects by using advanced features and techniques available in Visual Studio's different versions. Out of 10 years of professional tenure, he had worked for 4 years with product based companies which has their own products in market developed using high-end .NET technologies.

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