Saturday, December 21, 2013

Top Six Programming Books

Books can be a great programming resource, but with all the options out there, choosing the right guide can be overwhelming. Here, we'll take the guesswork out of your shopping experience and present you with a list of our six favorites:

* . A classic that has been deemed one of the best practical guides to programming, this book offers clear and effective techniques for programmers of any skill level. Originally written in 1993, it has been updated to include modern languages such as C++ and Java. This book will help you minimize complexity and write clean code.

* . This text, written by MIT professors, teaches the principles of computer programming and core concepts. This was originally written for an introductory programming course, and is still in use today at multiple schools.

* . This book teaches you how to program in C. It is concise and easy to read, being called "a landmark to computer science." You should have some basic programming concept knowledge before reading this book, but an amateur should be able to follow along. The second edition has been updated and includes the ANSI standard.

* . This collection of essays on software engineering and project management pulls from Brooks' own experience working on complex projects. He argues that these large and intricate programming projects suffer because of a division of labor. However, unity, though difficult to attain, is possible. Although it was first published in 1975, The Mythical Man-Month is still extremely relevant today and continues to teach important management skills.

* . This book covers a range of algorithms in an easy-to-read way and is commonly used in undergraduate computer science courses. It won the Best 1990 Professional and Scholarly Book in Computer Science and Data Processing from the Association of American Publishers. Keep in mind that having some programming knowledge will be helpful when reading this book.

* . This book focuses on software development. It is a great guide that offers different methods for getting any programming job done effectively. Stretching across all skill levels, this book will help you develop habits and learn skills that help form the foundation needed for success in programming.

You can find these books, along with other great programming resources, online and most likely at your local library. Happy reading!Hey there, bookworm! Don't forget to also check out our great books available in print or for Kindle.Our books are especially tailored to teach any beginner the basics of programming.Learn how to create websites, games, mobile apps, and much more!Each book includes easy-to-follow instructions, lab exercises and solutions, questions for review, screenshots, and answer keys. Check out our list of titles available for purchase here:The post appeared first on .
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