Wednesday, October 23, 2013

[General] Life overwhelming

My life is currently perhaps overallocated.I currently spend my time on the following things

* Research (thesis, GRA)

* TAing

* Software development (GNOME, GXml)

* Martial arts (iaido, jodo, kendo)

* Exercise (pushups, pullups, situps, running, cycling)

* Reading (John Green, Orson Scott Card)

* Writing (blog entries, diary)

* Cooking and baking (at least one meal a day; learning vegan methods)

* Friendship

* Nature

* (Nintendo, anime; I don't get much if any time for this)

Things I'd like to spend time on but cannot include

* Languages (German, Japanese, French)

* More martial arts (Niten Ichi-ry , jujutsu and aikido)

* Yoga

* Swimming, skating

* Archery

* Traveling and exploring (I actually do get some of this done through other things like GNOME and academia :D)

* Writing (stories, webcomics)

* Drawing (webcomics)

* Software development (websites, mobile apps, games)

* Zoology and botany (iNaturalist)

* Wizard moot

* Philosophy (I'd like to better understand my veganism, Discordianism)

There's so much more, too.I am doomed to die without ever being bored (well, since I was 15).
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