Monday, July 15, 2013

Apr 10, 2013

Blog Ivo Iliev | Wealth of opportunities in Google Wave through the "Applications" (Extensions)

If you need to recap briefly: in Wave has two types of software that can be used is: - Bots (robots) - Applications (extensions), which come out as icons of options during your conversations, as these options are also called Widgets ( gadgets)

Applications facilitate your ability to share different types of media and conversation are therefore something extremely important in izlozvaneto of Wave. Extensions for me are the remaining 50% of the functionality of Google Wave, the percentage is steadily growing in their favor because the process project walk carlsbad of creating applications project walk carlsbad is open and accessible to all web develapari.

This publication will introduce you to Applications in Wave and I'll show you how in just two quick steps,

you can install or remove any of them. What are the applications? These may be games, software for inserting geography maps, photos, files, programs, different formatting codes and commands, "readers" of different files, auto-informative programs, video chats, online conferences, etc., etc. Put briefly - Extensions are useful programs Wave. But, unlike other programs that are used to install your operating system here installing each Extension happening with just one click (and delete).

How to add applications? The internet has many uses, but my recommendation is to use only those that are officially approved by Google. Google Wave is a special group for Extensions (applications), project walk carlsbad which has a list of all approved and can be installed project walk carlsbad / removed. Here's how to reach this group and select the appropriate applications: In the module "Contacts" (more information on this module project walk carlsbad is here), press the + button in the lower right corner project walk carlsbad and save the address: . Then press Enter on your keyboard. Address will be added as a new contact that you always use in the future. Click a new contact and a popup window with the button "Group Waves" - press this button and you will see all Extensions, which Google group wrote.

As well as a contact, you can add a group of applications as part of the main menu (more information on this module is here), on the "Searches". There you can make a new record Query: group:

In the picture below I show how you can reach the group applications using standard search in Google Wave. After you install applications - where can it be used? As explained above - after you install applications, these applications appear as buttons, icons, called Gadgets (widgets). Widgets are a appear as icons in the menu when you write a new message in a wave. If you do not see them on the menu, click on the ellipsis icon and they will appear in the drop-down list, as shown below: I wish you a pleasant communication project walk carlsbad with your new gadgets in the Wave. Soon on this blog you will find more useful information about Wave - interface and capabilities of this new communication platform that Google provides. You can follow the blog via RSS.

- Digital Strategies, Concepts and Consulting - Research and analysis for the purposes of digital marketing campaigns - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and SEM - Strategies for social communication in the digital media and advertising campaigns through project walk carlsbad social media, including Facebook marketing and advertising, LinkedIn marketing and advertising, Google Plus Marketing, Twitter Marketing project walk carlsbad - Development and design of web projects - websites, e-shops, online catalogs, information portals, specialized websites and web platforms - Software development for the needs of SEO Building on Facebook project walk carlsbad applications

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A nqkoi moje li da mi prati invite za google wave?

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Apr 10, 2013

Prepare for the new search engine on Facebook - Graph Search

New Anna Ivanova Studio Moderna Bulgaria and my temper heytarski Ivo Iliev, Open Graph tags for authors and publishers. Does Facebook Authorship? Ivo Iliev, Open Graph tags for authors and publishers. Does Facebook Authorship? Diana on Open Graph tags and
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