Saturday, July 13, 2013

Athletic Software Engineering Education

How startup weekend, outrigger canoe racing, and Crossfit inspires a new approach to software engineering education


I have a confession to make.For over 20 years, I've been teaching "cubicle" software engineering. This does not mean that I teach students to use punch cards, COBOL, and the waterfall lifecycle model. To the contrary, my curriculum appears quite modern: , a , and modern tools and technologies including , , , and the like.

When I refer to cubicle software engineering, I refer to two pedagogical decisions I have not changed in 20 years:

* A software development timeframe measured in days, weeks, and months.

* No explicit focus on the actual speed of coding.

Cubicle software engineering reflects current industry practice.Consider a popular modern methodology, such as Scrum.Each day begins with a standup meeting, where developers report on the development tasks that they have, and haven't, accomplished. Based on this information, the team reassesses their priorities, and over time derives an estimate of their development "velocity".Developers are free to work as fast or slow as they want; management is prohibited from complaining about their "speed".

In the past few years, a different style of development has emerged within the context ofand .The relevant characteristic of these events is that they take place over 24 to 48 hours, and thus a "slow" developer is a significant liability to the team.In industry, where the development timeframe is measured in weeks or months, a "slow" developer could potentially compensate by working a few extra hours on nights or weekends to increase their "effective" speed. During a startup weekend, on the other hand, there are no "extra" hours, and slow developers are just plain slow.

I recently looked at the projects created during a Honolulu Startup Weekend, and realized that the tools and technologies I teach my students provide an excellent basis for success.But what I don't teach my students is how to use these tools to code fast: how to start with nothing and create a functional and interesting web application in a matter of hours.In fact, I teach the opposite: I give my students significantly more time than required in order to remove time as a factor.I give my students a week for a programming assignment that might take me an afternoon to finish.As a result, I believe my students are intimidated by a startup weekend, as the very idea of coding at a breakneck speed falls completely outside their software development experience and training.

I now believe that in order for my students to feel comfortable participating in a startup weekend or hackathon environment, they need to train for it.And this means not just learning useful languages, technologies, and design patterns, it also means learning to code fast.It means instead of thinking of development in terms of days and weeks, they think in terms of hours and minutes.Instead of giving them multiples of the time required, I should regularly put them into situations where they must code as fast as they possibly can. In other words, students need to engage in software development as an athletic activity, not a (sedentary) cubicle activity.


It is not unreasonable to question whether or not athletic software engineering is an appropriate pedagogical goal. As noted above, it is not part of mainstream software development culture, and the most obvious measure of coding speed, LOC/hour, is a canonical example of . Before explaining how I plan to implement athletic software engineering, here are the educational benefits I anticipate from the approach:

(1) Athletic software engineering education avoids the verisimilitude problem.Software engineering is far too vast to cover in a single semester, and so all teachers pick and choose what to cover based upon some sort of organizing principle.In my current approach, I find myself saying the following all too often:"For this particular assignment, you might think doing [X] is not that important, but when you're out in the real world you'll be glad you learned about it", where [X] could be anything from a user guide to the JavaDocs to issue management.

Athletic software engineering, in contrast, results in a different organizing principle: developing the skills to succeed in a startup weekend environment.My hope is that this organizing principle hits a sweet spot: complex enough to fill a semester with interesting software engineering principles, all of which are relevant and useful to the goal of the course.

(2) Speed does not mean sloppy, it means fluency.There is a perception in software development that people who code fast are cutting corners and creating low quality work.Athletic endeavors are the opposite:the best athletes are fast precisely because they have the best technique and greatest efficiency of movement; in short, fast means quality.

I believe that teaching students to code at high speed is also teaching them to be fluent with their tools and technologies, and to make less errors rather than more.

(3) The flow state as normal state.The programming culture reveres the "flow state" as a semi-mystical occurrence where deep, uninterrupted concentration makes time pass quickly, banishes all distractive thinking, and allows bursts of creativity.It is viewed as an elusive and transitory phenomena.

In my experience as a competitive paddler, the "flow state" is absolutely mundane and predictable.When the starting gun goes off, you and all the other paddlers around you enter a state that is pretty much indistinguishable from the programming flow state, and it lasts until you cross the finish line.This is just as true for quarter mile sprints that take four minutes as it is for distance races that take four hours.

I believe "flow state as normal state" will also be true for athletic software engineering education: give students a programming problem and very little time to solve it, and they will enter the flow state and stay there until they either finish the problem or run out of time.

(4) Solving the multi-tasking problem.A modern educational problem is multi-tasking: there is .

Athletic software engineering education solves the multi-tasking problem by (a) creating a sense of urgency which (b) creates the "flow state" (see above) which (c) removes the desire to multi-task.

(5) Group training for competition spurs excellence.Spectators watching athletic competitions see only a sliver of the total picture. For each hour that an athlete participates in a competition, there are tens or hundreds of hours of training where the competition is not to win, but to get better.Training in a team has significant psychological and motivational benefits: the presence of others working hard motivates you to work hard, and the performance of others provides benchmarks.

The athletic software engineering classroom will strive to create that same esprit de corps through shared exertion, commitment, success, and failure.


Implementing an effective approach to athletic software engineering education in the classroom will be difficult. Here are the key implementation concepts I will be assessing during Fall, 2013 in my software engineering course.

Workouts, not classes.First, I will refer to my face-to-face interactions with students as "workouts", not "classes", as a way of reframing expectations for classroom hours.Students will not come to class to passively listen to me impart information. Instead, they will come to class in order to engage in structured activities intended to assess and improve their ability to develop software quickly.This leverages my development of flipped classroom techniques for software engineering over the past five years, where my "lectures" were designed to be seen (via YouTube) prior to class, not during it.

Code Racing: the new normal. A standard component of a workout session is a code race: a timed programming task performed by all members of the class with a simultaneous start time and a recorded finish time.Regular code racing is extremely important to developing speed, as the presence of others attempting to complete the same task in as short a time as possible creates motivation.Race results will be made available via a scoreboard so that students can see their relative ranking within the class and if they are improving relative to others over time or not.I will not grade students on their code race results.Instead, I plan to give tests approximately once a month which are time-delimited, requiring students to have developed a threshold level code speed.This makes racing indirectly relevant to their course grade.I want to make racing interesting, fun, and motivating for students, and as a result, make the startup weekend attractive to them as a place where they can show off their newfound skills.

Individual and group-based races. Races will not only involve individuals,but also pairs of students in order for them to experience group work at speed.The pairs will be randomly assigned by the instructor; students cannot "cherry pick" partners in order to improve their performance. In outrigger canoe paddling, there is the concept of "blend", where paddlers collectively reach peak efficiency working together.A challenge is to assess and recognize "blend" in the context of group athletic software engineering tasks.

All races have an Rx time.In CrossFit, the workouts have an "Rx" (or "as prescribed") specification, which is generally very difficult to achieve, along with various "scaled" versions which are easier to achieve.Software engineering workouts also have an "Rx" specification, which is expressed as "time to completion".The Rx specification will be determined by having the instructor complete the task prior to assignment to students.

Having a specified Rx provides two benefits.First, it gives students a concrete, achievable goal to work toward with respect to their code speed. Second, it provides a way to normalize workout results over time. For example, a student might start the semester coding at 200% of Rx (i.e. requiring double the amount of time specified in the Rx).By the end of the semester, if they consistently code at 125% of Rx, this demonstrates a measurable improvement in coding speed not possible with the raw timing results (which could vary from 10 minutes to 90 minutes in any given workout).

Learning the skill is separate from performing the skill.It is not useful to give students a task for which they lack the required skill set and then time their completion of the task.For example, assume the task is to create a github repository, push a webapp's code into the repository, then set up continuous integration and deployment of that system using a cloud-based service. If the student has never done that task before, it could take many hours of research to figure out all of the steps and perform them successfully for the first time.On the other hand, this same sequence of steps is a canonical pattern that an experienced developer could accomplish in minutes given fluency with all of the associated technologies (i.e. in the case of this class, the technologies include Java, Git, GitHub, Play Framework, JUnit, Eclipse, Jenkins, MySQL, and CloudBees).There is easily a 100x difference in speed between novice and expert on this task.

To separate "learning" from "performing", the class separates "homework" from "workouts".Each workout is prefaced by assigned homework, in which the students are provided reference material and sample tasks they can use to learn how to perform the task.Then, in class, the "workout" assesses their ability to complete the task in an efficient, rapid, and correct fashion.

Importance of skilled coaching and individualized feedback.Athletic software engineering education demands significant skill and expertise on the part of the instructor.First, the instructor must be able to develop an appropriate sequence of homework assignments and in-class workouts.Second, the instructor must determine the Rx times.Third, the instructor should be able to monitor students and provide feedback on how they can improve their performance on the task over time.

Time and motion tracking.In athletic endeavors, a common training tool is to take video of the athlete performing a task, then analyze the movements to see how they could be improved.This approach appears promising for athletic software engineering.I am currently experimenting with the free version of to see if the data it produces can support useful "time and motion" studies of software development.

For example, if a student is spending a high proportion of their time doing google searches during the completion of a task, then they are probably in the "learning" phase and have not achieved mastery.

Startup weekend (or hackathon) as final exam.It would be ridiculous to give students a written final exam; that's not what they've been spending the semester training to accomplish. Instead, the course will include a startup weekend or hackathon as the culminating experience so that students can apply their training to a real-world event.

Athletic software engineering education cannot be MOOCed.are an important breakthrough in education, which can make certain types of learning available at scales previously unattainable.My hypothesis is that athletic software engineering is not amenable to a MOOC environment.Similar to athletic training, very few people have the internal motivation to "train" alone and in physical isolation from others.My personal experiences with CrossFit and outrigger paddling indicate that, for me at least, my development of those two skill sets would not have happened without a group setting, excellent coaching, and face-to-face interaction with coaches and other "students".


Many thanks to my coaches at(Kamoa Kalama, Hank Leandro, Kawai Mahoe, and Doug Borton) and at(Erik Alvarez, Matt Kubick, and Levi Daniels).Who knew you were also teaching me about software engineering education?
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